Emergency Services

In a Parade Room or lunch Room

All of our instructors are emergency services professionals.  Collectively we have over 50 years of experience on the front line, and 40 years of CISM experience. 

Are you trying to start a program from scratch?  Don’t think you have to invent anything.  It’s all available to borrow and copy.  We have the knowledge and experience to help you get started.

Are you facing skepticism from upper management?  We get it.  We can help.

Is your workplace in a shambles and something needs to be done right away?  We will help you leverage existing resources effectively until you can get a peer support team up and running.  

Every workplace has an informal network of support within it.  Assisting Individuals in Crisis builds on a participant’s skills to help them provide meaningful, deliberate support.  

The skills we teach will help you support your colleagues and members of the public as well.  You will be better at your job in addition to being better at the extra you do as a peer support volunteer or worker.

Courses are always customized to include scenarios and role playing exercises relevant to the client’s field and needs.

We will be pleased to work with you and create customized content that will meet your organization’s needs.  Check the courses page for upcoming training and course descriptions.

Left with questions?  No problem.  Just send an email to answers@cism.ca.

This is adult learning; challenge and satisfaction