Lead Instructor: Steve Horner

Something from Steve

The first critical incident I experienced as a police officer was during my recruit training when on the day he was to move into a room in my house, a close friend and colleague shot himself in his parents’ living room.  That was in 1990 and I didn’t understand at the time how long those suppressed feelings would sit with me.  I didn’t even know I had them.

In 1996 the York Region CISM Team was formed.  At the time I was an executive member of the York Regional Police Association.  Our Association was actively involved in the funding and support of the new peer support team and I took a personal interest in the work. 

I joined the York Region CISM Team in 1997 and have been a member since.  In 2012 I became the team trainer.  From 2018 to 2021 I served as Team Lead.  

I always learn from the classes I teach.  The participants always have a genuine interest in the subject.  I enjoy the relevant and sometimes challenging questions that come from teaching such groups.  The exposure to different workplaces has been at times surprising and often enlightening.  

I learnt in my days presenting health and safety training with an overhead projector that it’s not about the presentation, it’s about the presenter.  I work hard to bring confidence, competence, and humour to my training.  Those are the main tools I use to engage the adults who take my training. 

Over the past 12 years I’ve enjoyed class participants from many different professions including accountants, administrative assistants, clergy, corrections officers, dispatchers, doctors, engineers, firefighters, geologists, miners, nurses, police officers, paramedics, probation officers, psychologists, psychotherapists, social workers, and victims’ services volunteers from many walks of life. 

I’m confident that I can bring an enriching training experience to your group.  

If you would like to know more of my history, just read on.

I started with York Regional Police in 1989 and retired as a Sergeant in 2022.  Over my career I’ve had many assignments including:

·        uniform patrol,

·        criminal investigations,

·        quality assurance,

·        criminal behavioural analysis,

·        internal auditing,

·        policy development, and

·        search &rescue command.  


I also served on the York Regional Police Association Executive Board, and was Co-Chair of the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee for two terms.

I received my first CISM training in 1996. In 1997 I attended my first International Critical Incident Stress Foundation World Congress in Baltimore, Maryland.

Since then I’ve been an active member of the York Region Critical Incident Stress Management Team. In 2012 I became an Approved Instructor with the ICISF and now teach Basic and Advanced Assisting Individuals in Crisis,  Basic and Advanced Group Crisis Intervention and the combined 3-day (GRIN) course.  I was recently approved by the ICISF to facilitate Psychological Body Armor.

In October 2015 I was certified to teach the Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training course with Living Works and have since achieved the designation of Master Trainer.  I have a Certificate in Alternative Dispute Resolution from the University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies and a Certification In Critical Incident Stress Management from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC).

Courses are always customized to include scenarios and role playing exercises relevant to the client’s field and needs.

I will be pleased to work with you and create customized content that will meet your organization’s needs. 

Left with questions?  No problem.  Just send an email to answers@cism.ca.

This is adult learning.