Psychological Body Armor

PBA Watching and Reading

Including TED talks and articles

Count watching just one as a small step 
toward improving your resilience.

Making Changes and Achieving Your Goals

Christine Carter: The 1-minute secret to forming a new habit. Judson Brewer: A simple way to break a bad habit.

Stress Explanations

Madhumita Murgia: How stress affects your brain.

Emotions are controlled by your brain

Lisa Feldman Barrett: You are not at the mercy of your emotions.

Combatting the negativity bias:

Improving Positive Thinking – Alison Ledgerwood


How our Brains Work – full video segment.

Part of this video was watched in class.

Something to Try

10 days of positive thinking – a TED Talk series. A fun, uplifting challenge: For the next 10 days, watch one TED Talk from this list to shift yourself into a life of positive thinking.

The value of gratitude

Andrea Driessen: The Profound Power of Gratitude and Living Eulogies Christina Costa: How gratitude rewires your brain


Shai Marcu: The benefits of a good night’s sleep. Jen Gunter:  Do you really need 8 hours of sleep every night?  Matt Walker: Sleep is your superpower

Making repairs in relationships – especially with children

Becky Kennedy: The single Most Important Parenting Strategy

Listening Skills

Julian Treasure: 5 ways to listen better:


Catherine Price: Why fun is the secret to a healthier life

Three Secrets of Resilient People

Lucy Hone: 3 secrets of resilient people

Food and Nutrition

How the food you eat affects your brain. How Sugar Affects Your Brain

Related Reading Material

Forgiveness:  Your Health Depends on It What Does it Really Take to Build a New Habit? Chart of PBA Course Author’s Suggested Supplementary Reading Materials The following table contains the links to readings suggested by the course author.  Unfortunately we can’t control when the websites might change the URL to access them.  A search of the title may yield a new link if the one below happens to be outdated.
Module Article/Title Link
1 When Disaster Strikes: Inside Disaster Psychology | entire George Everly, Jr., PhD blog. Psychology Today
1 Worth Magazine – Worth Beyond Wealth Articles by George Everly, Jr., PhD
1 CISM Books 
2 Wellness: Promoting Optimum Health Through the Workplace | Psychology Today
2 Validation of Psychological Body Armor™
2 Expanding Mental Healthcare Using Psychological first Aid
2 Novel Ways of Educating Children about Stress and Mental Health
2 Psychological First Aid
2 Resilient Leadership
2 Disasters of Uncertainty| Psychology Today 
2 The Pandemic Endangers Marriages| Psychology Today
2 The Pandemic Will Change Everything | Psychology Today
2 Social Stigma, Bullying, and the Pandemic | Psychology Today
2 Psychology of Viral Pandemic: What We Need to Know and Do | Psychology Today
3 Why Smart People Make Bad Decisions
7 Toxic People: How to Recognize and Avoid Them | Psychology Today
7 How to Pull Away from Toxic People, and Who to Replace Them With | Psychology Today
7 The Civility Deficit | Psychology Today
7 Building Supportive Relationships | Psychology Today
7 Finding a Personal Mentor | Psychology Today
8 When horror and loss intersect: traumatic experiences and traumatic bereavement
9 How to Make a Real Difference